Weekly Verse: Hebrew 3:1

Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, Who inspires and perfects our faith.

When we are persecuted and, like Jeremiah, thrown in the muddy cistern to die, let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
When we are tempted to grow despondent or abandon the struggle, let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
When there’s division in our families, three against two and two against three, let us forgive 70 x 7 and fix our eyes on Jesus.
When we get the bad news of a death in the family, a cancerous tumor, a divorce, a suicide, or a sin, let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
When we get the good news of pregnancy, birth, repentance, reconciliation, salvation, healing, or a happy death, let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
When we look at Jesus, we see Him risen, glorified, and enthroned in supreme power at the right hand of God the Father. When we look at Jesus, we see His nail-scarred hands and feet. We see crucified love. The crucified and glorified Jesus invites each of us not only to look at Him but to live for and in Him. Accept His invitation.
(Source: Laudate)

I will wait

Abraham waited for 25 years for God’s promise of a son.
Joseph waited for 13 years of trials and imprisonment before he was freed.

Moses waited for 40 years in wilderness.

David waited for 15 years before he become a king.

Jesus waited for 30 years before he started his ministry.
Waiting is one of the hardest thing that God makes us to do, but in the end we are far better off with it. He makes us wait to purify our desires. He makes us wait for us to choose the best path. He makes us wait to build our faith. 

The Fifth Gospel

There are five gospels: Mark, Matthew, Luke, John and YOU! People will not probably read the first four, but they can encounter the fifth, so make it worth it. 
As what St. Francis of Assisi have said, “Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.”